I am an Associate Research Professor in the Department of Mental Health at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and a member of the Stuart lab.
My work focuses on causal inference, specifically the reasoning and techniques that allow learning causal effects from observational data. I am interested in the handling of data limitations that complicate otherwise standard analyses, and the learning of effects that are themselves complicated. I aim for both rigor and user-friendliness.
Topics I actively pursue include missing data and measurement error, sensitivity analysis, mediation analysis, generalizability/transportability, and treatment effect heterogeneity.
I trained in biostatistics (MHS advisor Karen Bandeen-Roche, postdoc advisor Liz Stuart, and then PhD advisors Betsy Ogburn and Constantine Frangakis) and in social and behavioral aspects of public health (PhD advisor Amy Knowlton and then postdoc advisor Renee Johnson).
I am originally from Viet Nam where I worked in public health and community development.